Which is why I've made it my personal goal to match Chloe pound for pound in a weight gain/loss contest. That's right, for every pound Chloe gains, I'm going to lose a pound. Now I know this won't be an easy task, but then again neither is childbirth, so I think we're even now. I've got myself prepared with a healthy diet and a new gym membership which so far I have surpassed my goal of attending 4 days a week. Don't get to thinking I'm going to restrict Chloe from eating just to make it easier on myself, no, I'm fully suportive of a healthy pregnancy and a fat baby, I'm also fully prepared to see myself 30 lbs lighter...
When we first found out Chloe was pregnant she weighed in at a whopping 108 lbs! I barely tipped the scales with my petite (post-Christmas) 172 lbs... So far she's gained 1 pound and I've lost 3 (which puts me in the lead for anyone placing bets).
Wish me luck! I'm sure gonna need it...