This picture was actually taken at 31 weeks, but I just had my 32 week Dr. appointment today.
I haven't gained any weight, still at 121, but she said thats okay. What is more important to her is that my belly is measuring right on track!
I've just been trying to stay out of the heat so I don't swell and also get in the pool whenever I can! I'm still going to the gym with Josh, but it's not as comfortable. Walking is getting harder. Anytime Josh and I are out, I used to be the one waiting for him and telling him to walk faster, now he is the one waiting for me!
Last night while Josh and I were laying in bed, I was complaining how hard she was kicking me and Josh's reply was "well would you rather have her kicking you in your side, or out of your stomach, crying and waking you up?" Suddenly reality set in, and I thought about how tired I would be once she came. But it wasn't enough to scare me or anything, I'm still so excited to be a mom!! I can't wait to meet my little girl!