So last week Bridget started this wonderful night time routine of only waking up twice at night. I was feeling so well rested, and didn't feel like a walking zombie anymore...until Friday night...She was up from 1:00-2:30 am and we had no idea what was going on?! Saturday morning she had a runny nose and a bit of a cough, so I was thinking okay, she's just sick. I felt for a tooth, but nothing stuck out, it was just bumpy. All day she was so whiney and just wanted to be held. We were loosing patience and were so tired from the night before. Later that night Josh put his finger in her mouth and felt something sharp! I felt it as well and we could both see a little white poking through her gums! We immediately felt so bad for not wanting to hold her all day, and now we just wanted to cuddle her!
But I am tired, because she is back to her waking up 4-5 times a night mostly because she is probably in pain. But every now and then I have to look at these cute pictures just to remind myself of... well when she's being not so cute. haha I love this little girl.
Especially when she is doing this

This is how I found her one day after her nap

This is how she spends most of her days. She hasn't learned how to roll back onto her back yet.

She also loves her excersaucer