Wednesday, June 11, 2014


So I meant to put this at the end of the last post. Remember how I said Josh was making waffles when Mackenna hurt her finger?
That's not a chocolate waffle, that's the result of a waffle cooking for 8 hours! Whoops, glad we didn't come home to our house on fire. That would have really put a damper on the day!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Our weekend: The bad part

Every Sunday morning Josh leaves the house at 7:15 am for meetings before our church at 9.
Yesterday was our Stake Conference, where all the wards in our area meet together and there are no morning meetings.
It was around 8:30 when I was in the bedroom started to get ready for church. The girls followed me in and were playing in our closet. We are always telling them to get out because Mackenna pulls Josh's ties of the rack, and they usually just make a mess and one of them is usually shutting the door. I was putting away some laundry, not really paying attention when I heard Mackenna start crying. It wasn't a different cry than normal, so I just casually looked down at her as she came to me. When I looked down I saw her bloody hand, and her left ring finger tip hanging there. I screamed for Josh who was standing in the kitchen making waffles*. He quickly grabbed her and set her on the kitchen counter and  told me to get one wet wash cloth and one dry. He wrapped it up and we quickly left for the Emergency Room. Bridget was a little panicked because of how much I was crying, but she quickly put on her shoes and got in the van. Josh sat with Mackenna on his lap, holding her on his lap and she calmed down immediately.  On our way to the Hospital we pass the missionaries apartment. Josh called them to ask them to come out and we would be there in a minute. He told me to stop there so Josh could give her a blessing. I really didn't want to stop, but I knew it was the right thing to do. At this point we had no idea how bad it was, it was hard to really see from all the blood. Josh walked right into the ER while I parked the car with Bridget.

Bridget being a trooper

On our way out the door Josh told me to grab him a shirt, which was a good thing!

 They took an x ray and determined that it was broken so they transferred us to the Children's hospital downtown.
Everyone had calmed down a little bit, once we knew she wasn't going to loose her finger tip!

Checking into the second hospital, she was getting tired.

 Josh stayed with her while they did her IV, when I walked in she started crying. It killed me.
 This was just a small part of the waiting area with a touchscreen computer game, they also had a movie screen and other things to play on.
 And they gave us these toys, but all Mackenna wanted was her bear from home. I felt bad I didn't remember to bring it.
Right after surgery

 She ended up sleeping like this for over an hour!
 She loved the popsicle they gave her.
 This was when we knew she was really starting to wake up, this is our Mackenna!

They finally let us leave around 3.  We had great experiences at both hospitals, and had fabulous Doctors and nurses!
On our way to the ER the first time I kept telling Josh "I'm so glad you were home, I'm so glad you are here". I truly don't know what I would have done without him.
I'm thankful for a husband who has taken many trauma first aid classes, who stays calm in stressful situations, whose first thought was for Mackenna to receive a Priesthood blessing, who stayed with his daughter the entire time (and hated being kicked out to the waiting room during surgery), and who took the day off today to help me watch this little girl.
I know this wasn't a life threatening situation and other families go through a lot worse, but this was a big deal for our little family, but everything is fine now and we are just trying to slow her down! She is acting like it never even happened!
 Thankful for family, and our ward family here who checked in us all day. 

Our weekend: The good part

After getting home on Thursday from Iowa, we turned around on Friday to go camping.

We went swimming in the Meramec River

Bridget found a tree to climb at our campsite
Later in the afternoon our friends James, Sarah and their son Joshua came to camp with us, but I didn't get any pics with them!

Josh cooked up some ribs that were so good!
 It turned out to be a really great camping trip. At around 8:15 Bridget said she was tired and 15 minutes later both of them were out! The next morning Bridget slept till 6:15 and Mackenna slept till 7, which I thought was pretty good for camping!

Cousins & Grandma

My mom came to visit my sister Maggie's family who lives in Iowa, so the girls and I drove up to join in on the fun. The girls loved seeing grandma and of course playing with cousins!

We fed the fish and ducks at the pond

Mackenna just LOVED baby Benson!

Bridget was excited to be old enough to drive the Barbie Jeep!

The kids before church-Mackenna nothing wanted to do with it!

We had a great week of playing with family!