Friday, February 26, 2010

BIG year

This week we heard from the NGA...Josh got his start date. He got two and was able to choose which one he wanted. March 15th or April 26th? Well let's see, March 15th is in about 2 weeks so we chose April 26th. We are excited to move, but I don't think we could do it in 2 weeks!
About a week and a half ago Josh was looking at airline tickets to Saint Louis and found a great deal for a weekend trip, Feb 27-Mar 1. We decided to go and look at houses and get to know the area, knowing that we wouldn't be able to actually buy any house until we knew our start date, that we would just go and look. Little did we know a week later that we would get our start date! Josh was totally inspired to just randomly say, "Lets go to Missouri!". I'm so glad that I agreed, otherwise we would be looking for tickets now and may not have found the deal that we did!
So we leave tomorrow morning...early...way too early...and we hope to find one we like enough to put an off on! We are so excited!!
This is a BIG year for us: career, house, baby!
We've decided that when we get there that I will stay at home with the baby. Since we are moving there in April and I'm not due till September, I will have plenty of time to get the house ready and all the baby stuff together! Depending on how much I have to do I may look at a temp job or something for extra money, we'll see.
That's all for now, we'll post when we get back!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, you're moving in APRIL!? Holy cats that's soon! We'll miss you!!

    Good luck with your house hunting!
