Last Saturday Josh and I were looking for something to do, we actually didn't have anything to work on around the house. At least nothing that was pressing, we wanted to get out and see something new. So we talked to my sister and they weren't doing anything either and asked if we wanted to go to the Butterfly House. As you guessed, its a butterfly exhibit. The also have a bunch of different bugs behind glass, and we watched a short movie on the "life and behaivor of butterflies". My favorite part was when they showed 2 butterflies mating, and my nephew Jack, who is 3 said "He's on his buddy!" LOL we were cracking up!
Then we went to the actual butterfly exhibit. It was this huge room, kind of like a greenhouse that was really hot with all these green, tropical plants and butterflies flying around everywhere! It was really cool! I do like butterflies, but I'm not a fan of anything flying around me. I know, I'm weird. Anyways, Josh was like the butterfly whisperer. You weren't allowed to catch them, but you could hold your finger out and let them land on you and Josh always had one on his finger!

Josh and I, with no butterflies!

Holy crap Josh is skinny! What a fun exhibit, the girls would love it!