The past week went by waay too fast, but we made the most of it and had a lot of fun. Josh got home from D.C. Tuesday night and went into work on Wednesday. That day was normal as he came home from work, we ate dinner then he went to scouts. Thursday we did some chores around the house, we made a little (okay a long) list of things Josh wanted (needed) to do before he left such as install an attic fan, fix the runny toilet and mow the lawn one last time before that turns into my chore...
That afternoon we went out to lunch, got some frozen custard and decided to enjoy the nice weather and walk around the zoo! It didn't last very long because Bridget was so tired and was just crying most of the time. So we were only there for like 30 minutes. Good thing it's free! Friday we had planned on going to the temple but some sitters fell through. It was raining so we ended up going to the Mall and just hanging out. Saturday it wasn't good weather either so we decided to go bowling. We finally started taking pictures at this point!

That night our friends that we trade babysitting with watched Bridget while Josh and I enjoyed a dinner at Red Lobster and a Target run which is completely different without a baby. We enjoyed strolling and taking our time, I know we are dorks! But Josh also had some last minute things he wanted to get. Sunday night we had some close friends over and enjoyed some ice cream cake for one last get together with Josh. Monday we wanted to go shooting and have my sister babysit but the shooting ranges are closed on Mondays...
So we went out to lunch at T.G.I. Fridays (coupon!)

Tuesday Josh didn't have to be at the airport until 3:00 pm for his 5:50 flight. The day was long and full of much anticipation. The day had finally come and we both knew we only had hours left to spend together. The night before while Josh was trying to check-in for this flight online, he saw that family & friends of military personnel could get a pass to go through security and sit at the gate. So that's exactly what we did!
Standing in line at the check-in counter Josh said "No offense, but I'm fine until I look at Bridget".
Bridget and I got our passes and walked right up to the gate where Josh got to hold her and we got some good pictures.

Bridget had fun playing with Joshs pack and chewed on all the straps she could!

I was doing fine until I asked a lady to take a picture of us. The tears started as I said "can you take a picture of us, my husband is leaving for the summer" So that is why I look terrible in this picture. Dang you tears.

See you in 122 days sweetie.