Bridget will be 7 months this week!! I cannot even believe it! She is getting so big and doing so many new things. Last week we met my sister and her kids at the mall to play, then later we got some lunch. I put Bridget back in her her carseat/stroller and she just kept trying to get out, she was not happy in it! So my sister suggested getting a highchair. She loved it! I put some puffs out on the table and she ate while we all ate. It's so nice now that she can somewhat feed herself! So Friday we went out to Babies R Us and got her a highchair that hooks onto the table, it's been really nice so far!

She loves standing and holding onto the arm of the couch

Just doing some pushups!

Also last week I babysat my two nephews, and they were being so cute with Bridget that I decided to get my camera out. I even got one of all three of them looking in the same direction!
OK, she is so stinkin cute and that bow is absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing!!