Nice to just have another adult around to hang out with and talk to! Thanks Pete for a great week!
On his last day he drove up to Iowa with me where I am spending some time with my sister and her family. It will be great to be with more family and entertain Bridget!
A month ago my sister delivered her identical twin girls via emergency c-section at 24 weeks gestation. They have both been in the NICU and probably will be the restofthe summer. The past few weeks they have been having three different women from their ward come to their house to be with the kids while she goes to
The hospital to stay with the babies. Yesterday was their last day so now I will be staying with the kids while she goes.
Yesterday when we got into town Pete and I stopped at the hospital to see them, they are so cute! Today my sister and I went to the hospital and I was able to hold Lydia. She only weighs 3 lbs. so she is very tiny!

While my sister and I were at the hospital, her husband had their three kids, plus Bridget. When we got home he said that Bridget was great, but that she colored with a crayon on the kitchen floor. I didn't believe him, and he said Yes, under the dining table. Sure, enough there was blue crayon scribbles all over! He said when she was under the table she seemed happy and was quiet so he let her stay there, until he noticed she had a crayon in her hand! Good job Logan, way to watch the kiddos! haha

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