Saturday, October 29, 2011
Photo Shoot
This is the first Saturday in a while that we haven't had anything going on, so I decided to take advantage of it. I have been wanting to take pictures of Bridget, but I wanted Josh to come with me so he could make her smile. All I have to say is taking pictures of a one year old is HARD!
Josh probably did a thousand fake sneezes, and made every funny noise there is possible! We went to the temple where the landscape and scenery is always gorgeous!
Here are some of the good ones we got:
I love this picture, but the lighting is bad.
Now for the bloopers:
We had this #1 that we wanted Bridget to hold....I don't know how my sister-in-law Amber does it. Bridget didn't do very well holding it. It would either be backwards or upside down, before just throwing it and wanting nothing to do with it!
Last night was our ward trunk-or-treat, here is Bridget in her ladybug costume!
I wanted to take pictures outside but I knew it would be impossible for her to sit still.
She loved the feel of her dress, and chewed on it on the way to the church!
I gave her this for bribery, and before I knew it, half of it was gone! So I took the wrapper off and she ate the rest!
Bridget & I-Josh was getting the truck ready to pass out candy.
Lucky girl talked me into letting her have a lollipop. Everyone thought she was so cute, I would have to agree!
Yesterday we enjoyed the nice weather and did some more work in the yard. We laid a landscape fabric to block the weeds, and then put mulch over it.
Here is Josh using his truck to it's fullest!
Bridget looks like a rag-muffin, but she LOVES playing outside and getting into whatever she can! And yes, that is dirt on her face!
Josh said it looked like she got into a box of oreos!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Pumpkin Carving
Tuesday night we carved pumpkins and Bridget LOVED eating the pumkin. I put her on the table with us and I thought she was going to be a pill, but she just sat there playing with the pumpkin guts!
She saw us putting our hands in the pumpkins, so she wanted to give it a try!
This was right as she was throwing some of the guts at Josh!
She would pick pieces of the pumpkin off and eat it!
It's good for you, right?
Here she is with a mouth full of seeds! At first I didn't want her putting the seeds in her mouth because I was afraid of her swallowing them. Later, she snuck a couple, and when I put my hand in front of her mouth she would spit them right out. She just loved the pumpkin flavor I guess!
Our final products!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Yard work
A couple weekends ago we were out in the yard raking leaves, and Josh put Bridget up in a tree! He got her positioned, she stayed still and we started snapping away!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Today Josh had the day off for Colombus Day. We decided to go to Eckert's farm in Illinois. It's about 45 minutes away, it has apples and pumpkins in the fall, christmas trees in the winter and peaches in the summer. The farm also had little carnival rides, and there was no height limit! They let us ride all the rides with Bridget! But first, we played on the swings!
They had these cute horse swings
They also had these huge tire swings
Haybells make for great photos!
Bridget loved the petting zoo!
Josh bought some food for them, he gave a piece to Bridget and she just ate it. hahaha
Feeding the camels carrots
I could not get this girl to crack a smile!!
Have you ever watched a pig race? We hadn't, but it was hilarious!
Lovin' some apple cider!
Getting every last drop!
On the big swings!
I thought this picture was cute that Josh snapped. Bridget started putting her hand out and showing some excitement. It was so cute.
Saw this view of the city from the parking lot
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Last night we took Bridget to her first rodeo! We wanted to go this summer, but with Josh being gone it didn't happen. So we found this one, about 40 minutes away and decided to go! We were nervous about how Bridget would do being up late, but she did great! We got there early to eat dinner, BBQ sandwiches and AWESOME garlic fries. We wanted the full experience!
There was a playground right there so we let Bridget play before it started.
Josh went to go get seats, and when Bridget and I got there he had this cute cowgirl hat for her
Don't worry, this was during an intermission
We sat next to this girl who had this cute little dog! Bridget loved it and would laugh so hard when it came near her! The girl's boyfriend rides in the rodeos and she travels all through Missouri with him. I don't know how she watches him get flopped around in every direction, she said it's very nerve racking!
This last picture is Bridget being her cute self. Momements after I took this picture, Josh went to go get her and a fireman walked by and said "Can you please teach your daughter to respect the fire line?" Josh came back to me, and was like "You will never believe what he just said to me!" We thought it was funny that he wanted us to "teach" our one-year old something like that.
Can't wait to go to more rodeos next summer!
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Silhouettes5 days ago
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Animal Birthday Party7 years ago
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Mall Madness!9 years ago
The Sacrifice of Being a Mother10 years ago
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Halloween time! and Giving thanks Time10 years ago
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I'm Alive!11 years ago
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Summer is Flying...11 years ago
I Liiiiiiiiiiiive!11 years ago
So behind...12 years ago
Photography Pictures12 years ago
Long overdue post!13 years ago
About Me
- The Carrs
- Josh & I have been married for 6 years and are loving every minute of it! We now live near St. Louis, Missouri. Josh works full time while I spend my days with our two little girls!!