Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lead by example

I don't have any pictures to go along with this post, but I just wanted to share something really cute that happend last night! As I was trying to get dinner ready, Bridget was being pretty winey. When it was done she saw me put it on the table, but I didn't want to put her in her highchair yet because I wanted to let it cool. She started freaking out and hanging onto her highchair (I guess someone was hungry?!). So I put her in it. She sat there patiently and watched me get her plate ready and cut it all up. She and I were talking and then Josh came to the table and sat down. As soon as she saw him sit down, she was silent and folded her arms! We hadn't even said "okay, let's pray now" or fold our arms, or anything! She just did it all on her own! It was the cutest thing ever! I tried not to laugh, but it was just too funny. So immediately Josh started to say a prayer, and she bowed her head and closed her eyes for a few seconds. We are quickly learning how much she is watching us, and it keeps us on our toes! I hope she keeps this up!

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