Saturday, September 15, 2012

Grants Farm

About a half hour south of here, there is a place called Grants farm. Ulysses S. Grant founded and farmed the area, hence the name. It is a huge farm and petting zoo, with all different kinds of animals! Here is Bridget and I, just after getting there about to board a tram to take us into the park.
Josh and Bridget on the tram
On the tram ride they have animals just out walking around right next to the road. We saw elk, bisen, Texas Longhorn bulls, deer, ostrich just to name a few!
Once we got off the tram there are all these baby goats in a corral. You can pay $1 for a bottle of milk to feed them, but they are super aggressive and kids were crying left and right because their parents would just send them in with a bottle of milk! The sight was quite entertaining, watching all these moms send the dads in with little kids, and the dads are yelling for the wife to come get the kid! So Josh went in with Bridget and she clung onto him pretty tight!
We also saw monkeys
bald eagels
more bulls
and parrots
Before leaving, Josh took Bridget back into the goat area. This time she was not hesitant at all! Josh found some brushes, and Bridget LOVED going up to each goat and brushing it. I think every goat got brushed at least twice! They were in there for 40 minutes!
This is the time she kissed a goat!!
Then Josh found a bottle on the ground, and brought Bridget over to where there was just one goat to feed it! But as soon as he whipped that bottle out, they all came running over!
Here is Josh trying to keep all the goats back from attacking Bridget with the bottle!
Every now and then the goats would start chewing on her clothes, and Josh taught her to say "Goat stop chewing my clothes!" It was pretty hilarious!
She definately loves animals and had a blast being able to see them all so up close!


  1. Aw, looks like such a fun outing! Can't believe she's speaking in sentences already! Crazy! Cute pics! :)

    1. Yeah she is talking like crazy and of course repeating everything she hears, too!!
