Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Mackenna's newest thing is grasping, and holding onto things for a longer period of time. She is also controlling her muscles better, so yesterday I decideded to give her a rattle. I hold it out in front of her, and it's so funny to watch her slowly bring her hands together to hold it. Then she sucks the heck out of it!
I probably say it a hundred times a day, but SHE IS SO CUTE! I do it so much, Bridget will come up to her and say "Hi Backenna, you're so cute!" Love that too!

1 comment:

  1. She is soo cute! The other day I told Kendra she was silly and she said, "No, I'm cute." So we jokingly decided we need to stop telling her that so much! lol But it's hard when they are just so dang stinkin cute! :)
