Tuesday, August 31, 2010

38 weeks

Here I am at 38 weeks.
A week and a half ago I developed a rash that pregnant women can get called PUPPP(Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy). It doesn't affect the baby or anything and it's not serious, just uncomfortable. My stomach pretty much has the chicken pox!! It itches sooo incredibly bad! There is also a little on the corner of my right eye and chest. My Dr. said to start with some over the counter things like Benadryl and Claritin. So I started with those and they did nothing, then she told me about an anti-itch lotion to try and that of course only helps for so long and the itch is back.
Today I had my 38 week appointment and she prescribed me a pill, that does make you sleepy so I will just take it before bed and it will help me sleep. She said it won't go away till I have the baby so if I haven't gone into labor by next week that they can induce me. So if I decide to go that route, we could definately have the baby by next week!
So up until this whole PUPPP thing, I was doing pretty okay, now I just want this baby out and the itching to go away! Josh and I just can't wait to hold her and play with her. Like everyday Josh says "Can you please just have the baby?!" If only it was that easy....

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


We finally got the baby's room all put together this past week and I'm really happy with the way it all turned out! A big thanks to my sister Maggie for getting us our crib and Julie for all the crib bedding, curtains and wall hangings! We got the glider from an older couple in our ward for FREE! It's a little out-dated, but it's comfortable and works! We got the changing table/dresser off craigslist for $30 and I just repainted it white. Here are some pics:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Today I had an appointment for an ultrasound because at my last Dr. appointment I was measuring a little small so my Dr. wanted to check her size and make she is growing and everything. And she is! Everything looks great! Strong heartbeat, head is good size and her estimated weight is 5 lbs. 5 oz. The ultrasound tech said she didn't think she would be more than 7 lbs. Thank goodness!
I love my lady that does ultrasounds, shes so thorough and shows me everything that's going on. It was so cool! Some of the ultrasound was 3-D, she would switch back and forth.
So she gave me a 3-D picture of her face:

When I saw those cheeks I said "Are you sure she's only 5 lbs?! Those cheeks look so chubby!!" haha She was like "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. The weight is just an estimate" I don't know I guess everything being smooshed together would maybe make it looked bigger than it really is? Isn't she so stinkin cute though?!
Here is the hair on her head:

And this one is a view straight on of her face, showing her eyelashes:

Also she is head down, so that is very good news!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Feelin it...

Today was the first day of my pregnancy that I felt close to miserable! I'm really starting to feel the negatives of being pregnany and it's getting to me! Today at church I felt like I could barely sit through sacrament meeting, my back was hurting so bad and of course had to pee! She has found my bladder as her new toy!! Also I'm starting to get the hint that she is no longer as comfortable as she used to be. Everytime she moves it's sooo uncomfortable and no room for her to move! This afternoon I was having really bad abdominal cramps and my stomach was getting so tight. Braxton Hicks...I think so? Uggh, I'm so uncomfortable!
I so hope I don't go to or past 40 weeks!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

So far, so good!

I'm now 34 weeks along and feeling pretty good. It's very hot here in St. Louis so the extra weight is not very fun, but I'm just glad I don't have a mini heater I have to hold and breastfeed.
I had a Dr. appointment yesterday and everything looks great. Next week I go back for an ultrasound to check her size and make sure she is growing. This time they told me my belly was a little smaller. I'm not too worried, one week I'm big, the next I'm right on track and now I'm small!
While Pete and Julie were here, Julie and I had some fun taking pictures! Here are a few:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Last week Joshs parents and brother came out for a visit, and we had so much fun with them!
The first day we went downtown and the boys went up in the arch.

That night we went to the mall and the boys found a hurrican simulator, that shows you how windy it gets. They wasted, I mean spent $2 on this weird activity. Brothers!

The next day we all went to a water park up in Illinois. I didn't take any pictures but Julie and I enjoyed the Lazy River & Wave pool while the boys hit up all the slides. It was so nice to take a break from the heat and baby weight!
Friday morning we left for Nauvoo and stayed till Saturday afternoon. We did the wagon ride, watched the pageant (which was amazing!), walked down the Trail of Hope, and walked around the temple. And this is the only picture I took the whole time we were there! Josh doing stilt walking at the pioneer fair before the pageant. On our way out of town we stopped at Carthage, it was really neat to see the jail and all the history!

Thanks Pete & Julie for a great week!