Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Today I had an appointment for an ultrasound because at my last Dr. appointment I was measuring a little small so my Dr. wanted to check her size and make she is growing and everything. And she is! Everything looks great! Strong heartbeat, head is good size and her estimated weight is 5 lbs. 5 oz. The ultrasound tech said she didn't think she would be more than 7 lbs. Thank goodness!
I love my lady that does ultrasounds, shes so thorough and shows me everything that's going on. It was so cool! Some of the ultrasound was 3-D, she would switch back and forth.
So she gave me a 3-D picture of her face:

When I saw those cheeks I said "Are you sure she's only 5 lbs?! Those cheeks look so chubby!!" haha She was like "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. The weight is just an estimate" I don't know I guess everything being smooshed together would maybe make it looked bigger than it really is? Isn't she so stinkin cute though?!
Here is the hair on her head:

And this one is a view straight on of her face, showing her eyelashes:

Also she is head down, so that is very good news!

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