Here I am at 38 weeks.
A week and a half ago I developed a rash that pregnant women can get called PUPPP(Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy). It doesn't affect the baby or anything and it's not serious, just uncomfortable. My stomach pretty much has the chicken pox!! It itches sooo incredibly bad! There is also a little on the corner of my right eye and chest. My Dr. said to start with some over the counter things like Benadryl and Claritin. So I started with those and they did nothing, then she told me about an anti-itch lotion to try and that of course only helps for so long and the itch is back.
Today I had my 38 week appointment and she prescribed me a pill, that does make you sleepy so I will just take it before bed and it will help me sleep. She said it won't go away till I have the baby so if I haven't gone into labor by next week that they can induce me. So if I decide to go that route, we could definately have the baby by next week!
So up until this whole PUPPP thing, I was doing pretty okay, now I just want this baby out and the itching to go away! Josh and I just can't wait to hold her and play with her. Like everyday Josh says "Can you please just have the baby?!" If only it was that easy....
im sorry that stinks!! My friend had that when she was pregnant and she would itch them and now she has super bad stretch marks so DONT itch!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Cloe, so I saw you left a comment on my blog, to answer your question I was not due till the 25th. So about 3 weeks early. I went into labor by my self to, I was hoping I had a few more weeks. Good luck to you and Josh. I am excited to hear the news.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the baby!! Sorry to hear you had puppps. I'm 34 weeks and have it. Did your itchy rash go away after you delivered??