Sunday, March 25, 2012

18 months

A couple of weeks ago Bridget had her 18 month check up. I cannot believe how big she is getting, and how fast it is all happening! The further and further apart the Doctor's visits get, the more I realize she's not a little baby anymore. I always love going and checking in with the Dr. and hearing everything is going well with our daughter. This visit was just like any other, but the Dr. kept saying "she's active, isn't she?!". When I told her I was pregnant, she said I was going to have my hands full. I agreed, but also felt like saying "thank you, I know!" haha. I snapped some pictures while we were in our room Thank goodness for toys at the office!
waiting to get shots, and a mouthful of snacks to stay happy!
Her stats: weight: 24 lbs. 50% percentile height: 32 in. 50% percentile head circumfrance: 48 cm. 90% percentile--Say what?! I never thought of her having a large head, but then I was hearing from other moms that said even just one cm. can make it jump to the next percentile! Either way, I'm not too concerned about it! She can point to pretty much all her body parts, and is saying at least one new word a week! Sometimes-if we aren't in a hurry, I will open the front door and let her walk to the car. All we have to say is "Let's get in the car" and she will walk to it, when we open the door she will climb in and climb into her car seat! It is the funniest thing ever to watch, but I know it will come in handy when I am huge and pregnant! She is understanding alot and very good at listening-most of the time. She loves to play outside, read books and take baths...but what kid doesn't?

1 comment:

  1. Aw! So cute! Love those plaid shorts too! Excited to see you next week!
