Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Family of four

That's right, this October our family of three will become four! Josh and I couldn't be more thrilled!! We are so excited to add another little one to our bunch! Josh is of course praying for a boy, and while I would like both, I won't be so devastated if we have another girl. Mostly because we already have A TON of girls clothes! This is the picture we sent to our families to announce the news! Josh wanted to wait till we go out to California in April, but I just couldn't hold it in! (wow it is hard to get a 17 month old to sit still!)
I am 9 weeks today, which makes my due date October 9. Last week I had my first Doctor's appointment along with an ultrasound a few days later. Everything is looking great! I got to hear it's heartbeat, which is always my favorite part.
I know it just looks like a blob, but for you moms out there if you look closely you can see the head and distinct limbs. (and of course the quality on the computer isn't great) I already scheduled our ultrasound to find out the gender on April 27th, so we will let you all know as soon as we find out! Needless to say, I can't wait to bring home another baby and watch Bridget be a big sister!


  1. Hey Chloe- I was "blog surfing" and found your blog! Congrats on #2, that is so exciting!!! It is so fun to see pics of your cute family! We love you guys!

  2. I love that you.are pregnant again. We are so happy for you guys.
