Growing up my Grandma Marsh took my sisters and I to the fair every year! We made great memories that I will cherish forever!
As a parent I did not enjoy the fair nearly as much, but I thought it would be a great activity to do as a family before Josh left!
And to see the smile on Bridget's face was priceless, and the fact that she is still talking about it a week later is pretty great too!
First we looked at all the farm animals!
Next for the rides!
We had a great afternoon!!
Josh's brother, Dustin and his wife Chelsie were married April 13th in the Boston temple. A couple weeks ago they had a reception in Chico so all his family could celebrate with them!
{Bridget loved her "princess" dress and matching with Mackenna & Kendra!}
{Me with my baby girl! She was not a fan of the poufy dress, but she was a trooper!}
{Love my family}
{All the cousins}
{Daddy & Mackenna dancing!}
{Dustin, Bridget, Chelsie & Kendra dancing}
Bridget was very excited to ride on an airplane! This was her first trip where she actually knew what was going on, last trip she was 18 months.
Our first flight was 4 hours and both girls did great and slept through half of it!
Mackenna woke up happy as a clam and had fun looking out the window with dad!
We had our layover in San Diego then a short hour flight up north to Sacramento! Bridget stayed busy with her apple juice and snacks from the flight attendant!
After flying all afternoon, the girls did great with the 2 hour car ride to Chico, but boy were they ready for bed when it felt like 11 p.m. for them!
Overall the trip went great, but I hope I never have to do that by myself, Josh was a huge help!
Looking forward to our time spent with family!!
This girl is at such a fun stage! She is talking and babbling all the time and I can't get enough, it sounds so cute. She is sitting up a little better and can now get from sitting to her hands and knees for the most part gracefully. She loves to sit in her highchair to eat of course but she will sit there and chew on whatever is in front
of her and watch everyone move around the house.
Here's a flashback to Bridget when I first put her in the highchair for the first time
I've started putting her straight into the stroller and she likes it so much better than being in her carseat even though she tends to slouch or fall to the side lol.
She loves being outside and it's fun to see the expressions she makes while exploring the new sights and smells!
We've done a lot of park days with Bridget the past couple weeks.
Love this little girl so much, she brings so much joy to our lives!
The other night while we were in the backyard, Josh found a few caterpillars on the deck. At the time he was holding Mackenna when he picked the first one up and she reached out and smashed it with her hand and killed it! So then I took the caterpillar killer and Bridget & Josh played with them and watched them. Bridget thought it was pretty cool!
Josh & I have been married for 6 years and are loving every minute of it! We now live near St. Louis, Missouri. Josh works full time while I spend my days with our two little girls!!