Well April came and went in a flash! Here are some pictures of day to day things that happend last month. In the middle of April we went to Iowa, post soon to come!

I love to capture the different sleeping positions she gets herself into!

I love how long her hair is getting, and I enjoy doing different things with it. She is getting better at sitting still and putting up with me doing it. She still wines when I brush it, even when there aren't any tangles!

On one of our Target trips I decided to try the big cart with a seat for Bridget. She liked and it lasted most of the trip. Not sure if I will get it every time though, it's pretty hard to push!

On one of the warmer Saturdays, Josh got out his hammock and Bridget liked getting in it with him. She especially liked laying in it with her sister.

We went to the Air Force Base over in Illinois for Josh to pick up some things, while we were there Josh showed me around. I had never been on a military base before so I was interested in seeing everything. It was really like it's own little city, and so nice and clean! It seemed very family friendly with lots of playgrounds.
Here is Mackenna having her first experience in a swing. She LOVED it!
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