Mid-April Josh flew to Boston for his brothers wedding, then from there went to D.C. for a buisness trip. (He left Boston the day before the bombing, so glad he got out of town before all the craziness!) Anyways, I decided to drive the girls and myself the 6 hours to my sisters house in Des Moines. I was so nervous to do the drive by myself with them, but it couldn't have gone better! Bridget was GREAT! She kept busy watching movies, eating snacks, coloring and doing stickers. Mackenna on the other hand was not so happy whenever she was awake, but I would just hand her a bottle or sippy cup and even if she wasn't drinking it, she was happy to just chew on it! She only had some screaming fits when we were going to be stopping in the next 20 mins for a break or getting to our destination. I was able to do the drive with only stopping once at our half-way point.
Bridget had so much fun play with her cousins, and Mackenna loved all the extra attention!
The weather wasn't great while we were there, but we mananged to stay busy.
Our first night there Maggie and Logan went to the temple. The kids decided to have a movie night down in the basement! Being the
naughty nice Aunt that I am, I let them eat popcorn while they watched the movie! Their house rule is no food out of the dining room, and this is even worse because that couch is BRAND new. Maggie forgave me, haha!

One afternoon I painted Mary Anne's and Bridget's toe nails. This was a first for Bridget and she loved it! She kept saying "Thank you Mommy, I love them!"

Bridget and Lydia singing on their Karaoke machine (aka mumbling into the microphone!)

Lydia is in the process of learning how to jump, because currently she just face plants it into the carpet. Funny to watch, but not so funny after the 5th time she's done it and you start to get worried! So we laid pillows down and all the girls started doing it!

The girls enjoyed doing musical numbers together.

Mackenna loved all the new toys to play with. While we were there, she really improved her sitting skills!
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