Sunday, June 27, 2010

Crazy weather

Tonight after dinner we decided to take Shasta for a walk. As we were walking out the backyard and I saw the dark grey clouds, I knew it was going to rain. Living here for almost 2 months now I've learned that if it looks like it going to rain, it will! We walked down the street and around the corner to a field of grass that we take Shasta to play fetch, which is about a 5 minute walk. We were there for like 10 minutes before it started just pouring down rain and we had to walk back! So we are trying to get back to the house as fast as possible, me, 7 months prego trying to walk/slow jog. I'm sure people driving by got a good laugh!
This is a horrible picture of me, but this was us after getting home...drenched!

Too Hot

The past week here in St. Louis it's been in the 90's and some days 100 degrees!! That along with the humidity, it's been pretty miserable! We had been feeling bad for Shasta sitting in the heat all day, so we decided to get a cheap little baby pool at Target and she loves it! We throw her toys in there and she splashes around. We felt pretty funny walking around Target with a baby pool thinking "this is for our dog...does that make us weird dog people?" Well good thing we have a baby on the way.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

7 months

Today I had my 28 week check up and she said everything looks good! Today I also met the actual Dr. and she was really nice. I think I will like her. She was asking me some questions that I needed to start thinking about like what hospital I want to deliever at and if I want to do natural labor vs. epidural. I stopped her half way through and said "I want an epidural ASAP!!" She just laughed and said okay. Thankfully she had the same view that I should not have to be in pain if I am in labor. Glad we got that all cleared up!
She said I'm measuring right on track and she found her heartbeat right away and it sounded great! Now I will be going in every two weeks.
I have been feeling really good. Josh and I go to the gym about 4-5 times a week which I am going to do as long as I can! People look at me like they've never seen a pregnant woman work out or lift weights! haha. I'll show them!
She also kicks so much, sometimes it's hard to fall asleep at night. Or she will start kicking me after eating a big meal when I am so full, and that does not help me feel any better! But I love feeling my little girl and Josh likes seeing and feel her move too.
I can't wait till September but I also do love being pregnant.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Summer Election 2010

Josh and I have a few names we like but can't decide. We want to hear what you guys think!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cardinals game

Last week I temped for a dentist and on my last day they gave us a pair of tickets to the cardinals gme that weekend! We had been wanting to go to a game, but didn't want to spend the money on tickets so this was perfect! And if you know Josh & I, you know we're not big sports peoples but we wanted to go for the experience and say we went. (And the food of course!) Our seats were pretty high up, but had an amazing view of the city and the Arch! We had a really fun time!