Monday, September 17, 2012


Yesterday, Bridget turned two. I can't believe she is two, so weird. She is such a crack up, and talking more and more everyday! She is super active and spunky and we couldn't love this little girl more! When she woke up Sunday morning, we had a doll house all set up!
Trying to get a picture of Bridget before church, but she insisted that the camera was "MINE!!"
Then she found my phone...
Later after her nap, she opened presents
She loved all her new toys! Later, while I was making dinner Josh took Bridget for a bike ride. That made her day right there! I didn't make her a cake or anything because she doesn't like it, so we were just going to have ice cream for dessert. A little while after dinner, she asked for a banana! She's so healthy, haha She had a great birthday, even though she really didn't know what was going on!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Grants Farm

About a half hour south of here, there is a place called Grants farm. Ulysses S. Grant founded and farmed the area, hence the name. It is a huge farm and petting zoo, with all different kinds of animals! Here is Bridget and I, just after getting there about to board a tram to take us into the park.
Josh and Bridget on the tram
On the tram ride they have animals just out walking around right next to the road. We saw elk, bisen, Texas Longhorn bulls, deer, ostrich just to name a few!
Once we got off the tram there are all these baby goats in a corral. You can pay $1 for a bottle of milk to feed them, but they are super aggressive and kids were crying left and right because their parents would just send them in with a bottle of milk! The sight was quite entertaining, watching all these moms send the dads in with little kids, and the dads are yelling for the wife to come get the kid! So Josh went in with Bridget and she clung onto him pretty tight!
We also saw monkeys
bald eagels
more bulls
and parrots
Before leaving, Josh took Bridget back into the goat area. This time she was not hesitant at all! Josh found some brushes, and Bridget LOVED going up to each goat and brushing it. I think every goat got brushed at least twice! They were in there for 40 minutes!
This is the time she kissed a goat!!
Then Josh found a bottle on the ground, and brought Bridget over to where there was just one goat to feed it! But as soon as he whipped that bottle out, they all came running over!
Here is Josh trying to keep all the goats back from attacking Bridget with the bottle!
Every now and then the goats would start chewing on her clothes, and Josh taught her to say "Goat stop chewing my clothes!" It was pretty hilarious!
She definately loves animals and had a blast being able to see them all so up close!

Friday, September 14, 2012

I am always getting postcards from Sears portraits studio for a free picture, and every now and then I go and take Bridget in.
Thought this one was pretty dang cute!


Here are some pictures I took while we were at the park today! It has finally cooled off!
Lately she loves hanging from things
She is such a climber, and is getting pretty good at it too!

Dining Room

I'm a few weeks late on this post, but better late than never right? It all started one Saturday night when we had some friends over for dinner... They(as in the husband) were in the middle of re-finishing their hardwood floors in their house. He and Josh were talking about it, Josh tells him how we always wanted to have hardwood in the dining room, he asks if we knew what was under our carpet, and next thing I know he is removing the air vent cover and lifting up the carpet to look!! Sure enough there was wood. That of course got all the wheels moving in Josh's brain, and the next day after church Josh was tearing up the carpet. Before I was super nervous, worried that it wasn't going to look good or wouldn't be possible so I wanted Josh to just roll the carpet back that way we could put it back down if it didn't work out...Then I see this... The carpet cut up into sections!
I get that it made it easier for him to roll up and haul out, now there is REALLY no going back! Underneath was this lovely, green shag carpet!
Underneath the carpet was this black, foam-like carpet glue that was stuck to the wood. We got this solution that had to be scrubbed on, let soak for about 10 minutes, then scraped off. After getting all that off, it was time for sanding! We could hardly believe our eyes! All the hardwork, finally paid off to see this beautiful wood!
Time to stain! The color of the stain on the can didn't look this dark, but we are happy with the way it looks anyways!
Final step:clear coat
Finished product--DONE!!
I am so glad Josh took the plunge and did this project! It makes the room look a thousand times better, makes me not so worried about whatever gets dropped during meals, and makes clean up so much easier!! And Bridget loves driving cars on it too!