Thursday, March 31, 2011

Do babies this young know when they aren't suppose to be doing something? Her two favorite things to play with/grab at are my cell phone and the T.V. remote. Even though I am constantly telling her "NO"(whether she understands or not) and moving them farther and farther away, she will try and get either any chance she gets!

I mean she acts as if she has no toys to play with! She has TONS! When I put her on the floor, I make sure all her toys are nearby, but she insists on scooting to the coffee table, couch or other items that aren't "toys".

Speaking of the coffee table, I think that may be moving to the basement in the near future. Now that she is doing this crawling thing she will go over to the table and she manages to hit her head on it! It's just another thing I have to worry about and I usually end up moving it to the side.
Josh is constantly trying to get Bridget to crawl on all fours (even though the pediatrician already told him that she shouldn't be at this age. He wants her to before he leaves in a month. I think he will be very suprised when he gets home to see how different she is. This girl is starting to get very mischievous. She smiles or laughs when she pulls my hair or bites, I'm starting to realize I'm going to have my hands quite full this summer!

Monday, March 14, 2011

all things six months

So it's been a while since I blogged, mostly because nothing really has been going on.
Just been doing our routine, Josh works, comes home, I leave and go to the gym (bless his heart), make dinner, etc. This will be my third week back to the gym since having Bridget. I wasn't planning on coming back anytime soon, but back in July when I called to cancel my membership because I was having a baby the 24 Hour customer service person said "Well how about we just put your membership on hold for six months with no charges". I thought "Okay, I'm just going to cancel it in six months, but if it's free I'm not going to argue with you".
So a little over two weeks ago we got a charge on our credit card from the gym. I had comepletely forgotten about the whole thing! So I was telling Josh I was going to cancel it and get our money back. But Josh insisted that I keep it and that I can just go when he gets home from work and he'll stay home with Bridget. I know, I have the best husband. It has been so nice having some alone time and burning off some energy. I feel so great when I am done, I just love working out!!
Saturday was Josh's birthday, he's now a whopping 24!!!! That night we got a sitter and enjoyed going to the mall without a stroller! We ate dinner and Josh got a new pair of shoes that he had been wanting.
The weather was great that day so we decided to go work in the yard and throw out some grass seed and get it all ready for spring! We felt pretty confident we weren't going to get anymore snow...
This morning I woke up to SNOW!!!!
Words can't describe how bitter I am. Is mother nature aware that Sunday is the first day of SPRING? Apparently she is wanting to get in as much snow as possible before Winter ends.
Oh well, at least I don't have anywhere to go. But still, it is dang cold!
As for Bridget she will be six months on Wednesday. I can't even believe how big she is getting and how fast it went by! It's so funny whenever Josh and I see a little newborn baby we're like "Aww look at that tiny baby!" Then we realize, we still have a baby she's just so big now! She still cannot roll from her belly to back which is getting ever more frustrating. She is getting pretty good at sitting up by herself too. She is also a little daredevil baby! She loves when Josh throws her in the air and does 360's with her and Josh loves to make me nervous. My nerves are eased when I see the huge grin on her face!
Here are some pictures as of lately:
Her and dad before church, Josh likes to match.

In her bumbo:

Playing at Jacks birthday party: