Monday, February 25, 2013

My little helper

Bridget loves her little sister! She loves to "lay down next to her and take a picture". She recently has been wanting to help with diaper changes...notice that side strap under Mackenna's thigh. haha Bridget becomes more and more helpful as the days pass by, gets me diapers, hands me wipes, and gets me my water bottle from the fridge when I'm nursing ;) When we heard Mackenna wake up from her nap, Bridget rushed into the bedroom and climbed up onto the crib to greet Mackenna! And to finish off the post...


Last Thursday we got dumped with snow! Josh's office let everyone leave early at 11:00 because it was already coming down! It took him an hour to get home, which normally takes 25 minutes! Later in the afternoon, Josh took Bridget out to play in the snow.He used his scarf (?)-I don't know the official name for it-from Afghansitan around her face to keep her warm! I took these pics through the window that's why they aren't great, it was too cold out! The next day was sunny, so some of the snow had melted, but then re-froze and Josh snapped these pics of them playing in the backyard She had lots of fun, but I'm glad it doesn't snow that much here often because putting snow clothes on a 2 1/2 year old who wants to do it all herself is enough to make a mom go CRAZY! But the two days of not really going anywhere and staying in our jammies was a nice break!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


(please excuse the messy hair/clothes) Valentines day was just like any other day at home with the girls. But, then Josh walked in the door a half hour early with three roses for all his girls and a box of chocolates! Then we enjoyed yummy heart-shaped sugar cookies that a friend dropped off! It was a great day, spent with the ones that I love most!

Cereal & Crib

Last week we gave Mackenna her first taste of rice cereal, and she couldn't get enough. She really didn't have the disgusted look on her face like I remember Bridget doing. She LOVED it, and was like a little birdie waiting for the next bite! The past two nights I had added a little squash babyfood and she likes that just as much! She is still waking up twice a night, but I'm okay with it! We also moved her into the crib, so now the girls share a room. So far, so good. She is seriously such a good baby! If she ever gets woken up when we come in to put Bridget to bed she just lays there, maybe let out a little whimper, but just puts her thumb in her mouth and she is out! Loving the crib

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

4 months

This morning we went to Mackenna's 4 month check up...and the Dr. said she is doing GREAT! From the short amount of time that the Dr. was with her she could tell she is such a happy baby. Even though I had to take her sleeping body from her warm carseat, and strip her down to a diaper she was all smiles the whole time! Well except for at the end when she got two shots, but even then she stopped crying as soon as I picked her up! The Dr. said she is doing everything she is supposed to be and is totally healthy. Josh and I are truely blessed to have such active, healthy, and beautiful babies.
She weighed: 12 lbs. 11 oz. (27%)Length: 24 in. (38%)
We will be giving her rice cereal for the first time tonight! Check back soon for that post ;)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Photo dump

Ha, I snapped this right before Relief Society started! I just can't get enough of her thumb sucking!!
more finger sucking...
I am slowly trying to cut out Bridget's nap, in hopes that she will sleep in more! It's a work in progress... She will always fall asleep in the car, this time it was on the way to Target. It worked out to my advantage, because she slept the ENTIRE time! It was a fabulous shopping experience!
Playing with the last pile of snow left in our yard, from a little storm we got on Sunday.
Finishing off some Super Bowl leftovers...
This baby girl is growing faster than I am ready for!! Took out the headrest in her carseat, makes her look so much bigger now!
These two love playing on the floor together, and I love having someone to enertain Mackenna if I am doing something. Bridget is doing exceptionally well with her for right now.


Aunt Amber sent the girls these cute, homemade Valentines shirts!
They got tons of compliments at church, but I had to give all the credit to her ;) Thanks Amber, we love them!

Ice Skating

Last week I got a little stomach bug and didn't feel good for a couple days. Josh stayed home Friday and took Bridget out for most of the day, so I could rest. Their first stop was ice skating. Bridget had never been before and she was free to go, so Josh was excited to take her!
Josh said they had buckets there for little kids to hold onto, and push while they skated. She would do it for a little bit, but then would want Josh to hold her hands. When he wanted a break, he had the bucket!
Next they tried a new place for lunch, where Bridget had toasted raviolis. It was an old train station that they turned into a resturant.Then they went to the mall and played!
Josh was able to give me a break and also have some one-on-one time with Bridget which is always good!